
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 〈魯頌.駉〉篇析論
卷期 30
並列篇名 Expatiating on the Theme of Lu-Song Jiong Poem
作者 藍麗春
頁次 316-329
關鍵字 魯頌魯僖公牡馬思無邪Lu-SongJiong poemLu Xi GongCherubic sensibilities
出刊日期 200412




Lu-Song Jiong poem has specific characteristics in The Books of Songs. Jiong poem was to praise Lu Xi Gong, who was a monarch of Lu country, with singing flourishing horse. The subject and purpose of Jiong poem didn’t coincide with the definitions of Song poems. The definitions of Song poems were music of ancestral temple, to describe great virtue and
announce the success to gods. The format of reiterative sentences and repeating singing in Jiong poem wasn’t same with Song poems but similar to Guo-Feng poems. These characteristics of Jiong poem were different with Zhou-Song and Shang-Snog poems. Further, Confucius used the words of “cherubic sensibilities ” to make a conclusion of The Books of Songs. The words of “cherubic sensibilities” came from Jiong poem. This fact
shows the importance of Jiong poem.
This paper deals with the characteristics of subject and purpose in Jiong poem, presents the position and values in Song poems.

