
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 後SARS時代台灣休閒文化價值觀念變遷之探討
卷期 30
並列篇名 The Change of Leisure Culture Value after SARS Time in Taiwan
作者 吳慶烜林怡君
頁次 358-370
關鍵字 SARS休閒價值觀習癖場域社會結構歷程SARSLeisure valueHabitusFieldSociety structure process
出刊日期 200412




The change of the leisure value has something to do with the process of the cultural change. From social structure course, detectable, the Taiwan leisure values on the one hand inherit Eastern leisure view which already has, develops the unique health care values; But on the other hand also receives from the western leisure values influence, joins the recreation and sport and game values, molds Taiwan together the many kinds of leisure culture, not only has economical valve quickly A also develops the social economy important wealth. Progress brings mankind the comfort to humanity, but also hides the crisis. 2003 Taiwan under SARS impact, such response is causes the populace leisure values change the
reason, further lets the populace change the original leisure participation behavior. This research base this, For the sake of after pushing the SARS of the recreational industry develops again, and reestablishes the populace to participate in the leisure activity the wish, by habits and field territory viewpoint, regard SARS as the watershed, firm and construct to participate the behavior structure process with recreational activity from the recreational value in SARS, re- construct the recreational participant its inside and mental
factor and the outside social milieu function power are each other the alternant dialectics relates to discusses its leisure values possible change, further after proposed the SARS time Taiwan new leisure culture change and the tendency, supply theory of reference the following establishment correlation leisure culture development.

