
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 台灣地區大學生情緒智慧、憂鬱傾向與情緒調整策略之研究
卷期 30
並列篇名 A Study of the Emotional Intelligence, Depression and Emotional Regulation Strategy of College Student in Taiwan
作者 王春展
頁次 443-460
關鍵字 大學生情緒智慧憂鬱傾向情緒調整策略自殺傾向Emotional intelligenceEmotional regulation strategyDepressionCollege studentSuicide attempt
出刊日期 200412




Explored were the status of college students’emotionalintelligence, depression and their emotional regulation strategy.
The study developed and used Questionnaire of College Student's Emotional Experience to measure 1347 students of 12 universities/colleges in Taiwan with cross-sectional method. The sample concerned different background of gender, area, grade and its balance. The results indicated 1. the emotional intelligence of college students in Taiwan are above average level, 2. more than 30% college students are obvious depressive in spite of their average depression status is not obvious, 3.the depression indicator and emotional intelligence have a significantly negative correlation, 4. the main cause to make subjects have both good mood and bad mood is interpersonal relationship, the main methods to better both own and others’ mood are to relax themselves and seek /offer supporting, they tend to choose friends to better their mood, and the status they evaluate their emotional regulation strategies is good, 5. some college students have suicide attempt although most do not attempt to commit suicide. The study also presented some suggestions for further resear ches and school counseling authority to help college students better their emotional intelligence, depression, and emotional strategy.

