
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 專科生情緒智慧、人境適配度與生涯阻隔之研究—以中部某專科學校為例
卷期 30
並列篇名 A Study of the Emotional Intelligence, Person-Environment Congruence, Career Barrier of Junior College Student:An Example of a Junior College in Central Taiwan
作者 王春展
頁次 477-493
關鍵字 情緒智慧人境適配度生涯阻隔專科生Emotional intelligencePerson-environment congruenceCareer barrierJunior college student
出刊日期 200412




The study was to explore the status of junior college students’ emotional intelligence, person-environment congruence, career barrier. The study proposed that emotional intelligence means one's ability to deal with emotional matters, containing intrapersonal emotional intelligence and interpersonal emotional intelligence, so emotional intelligence could be sorted as four categories. The study developed and used Emotional Intelligence Inventory, Career Interest Inventory, and Career Barrier Scale to measure 803 junior college student of a private junior college in central Taiwan with cross-sectional method. The study reached some conclusions below, the correlation between emotional intelligence and career barrier is significantly negative, thecorrelation between person-
environment congruence and career barrier is also significantly negative, emotional intelligence and person-environment congruence could predict career barrier, the status of emotional intelligence, person-environment congruence and career consistency of junior college students in Taiwan are above average level, but the career barrier status is not low,
different gender has distinctive career interest and major, male students’ person-environment congruence is better than female students, commercial major students’ person-environment congruence and career barrier is better than technological major students, the type I with best EI students’ emotional intelligence and career barrier are significantly
better than other types, the different level of person-environment congruence of junior college students shows some difference of career barrier.

