
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 論經濟發展與環境保護間之消長:一場由相生到相剋之邏輯辯證
卷期 30
並列篇名 The Interaction of Economic Development and Environmental Protection: The Discussion for Two Suits of Logic from Proliferation to Deduction by Each Other
作者 陳竹上葛揚漢楊惠真
頁次 505-516
關鍵字 皮古稅財產權熱力學第一定律比較利益法則Pigouian taxProperty rightThe first law of thermodynamicsThe law ofcomparative advantage
出刊日期 200412




Based on the view of "proliferation or deduction by each other", in terms of the economic development and environmental protection, economists, such as Pigou or Coase, ever made effort to get environmental resource subsumed within the market logic through the design of "Pigouian tax" and the theory of "property right" in order to achieve Pareto optimality efficiency and avoided the tragedy of common property at the same time. But under more fundamental limitation of the 1st Law of Thermodyamics and Law of Comparative Advantage, except giving up the premise of maxmizing profit in capitalism, or economic development and environmental protection always lies in the conflicting situation in the end. Conclusion, the article uses a timing sequence of "long -term" and "long-range" to similize the nature of economic development and environmental protection. Thus the author indicates politicians in the country of democracy and consititution shouldn’t just get all out in economic achievement bigotedly. They have to realize that all fields of our conutry are in the logic with proliferation and deduction by each other and make effort to culture the common vision of sustainable development with our society.

