
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 婦女生活適應調查研究.以台南市為例
卷期 30
並列篇名 A Study of Women’s Life-Adjustment ~ An Exampling of Tainan City
作者 李麗雲
頁次 517-530
關鍵字 婦女生活適應WomenLife-adjustment
出刊日期 200412




The research targets of this study are the women who joined the lecture tour of “Romantic Road of Marriage, Exuberant Love of a Whole Life.” It is a research about modern women’s life. It discusses the study about modern women’s learning life in order to help associations organize or design women’s life education courses. This research gathers information via questionnaires of surveying modern women’s life. The data collected are of high credibility and effectiveness. The objective of this research is to understand if there will have any differences for women’s life-adjustments, married couples’ interactions, in-law’s relationships, parental education, career planning due to ages, years of marital status,
education, children and professions. The study uses “Women’s Life-Adjustment Questionnaire” as the research tool, and samples the women who enrolled life-long learning lecture tour in Tainan City. Based on the information gathered from the actual research, the study applies Descriptive Statistics to compute samples’ percentage and frequency
distribution respectively. This study is employed t-test, F-test, one-way analysis of variance to corroborate the relativity among married couple’s interactions, in-law’s relationship, parental education and career planning, and verified by correlation coefficient. The following conclusions are based on integrating all the research results:
The total number of random samples is 280 (Effective samples 220) females lived in east region, west region and south region of Tainan City. After statistics analysis and comparison, the conclusions are as follows:
1. There are no significant differences in women life-adjustment between women who have career or not.
2. There is a huge difference in women life-adjustment between women who have children and women who do not have children. Married couples who have children have better interactive parental education and career planning than married couples who do not have children.
3. Married couples posse lower education level and maintain longer years of marital status perform better interaction.
4. Married couples retain lower education level and maintain longer years of marital status have better parental education concept.
5. Career planning, married couples’ interaction, in-law’s relationship and parental education are all interactive.

