
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 民眾對健康保險IC卡的認知與使用情況之研究
卷期 32
並列篇名 The Cognition and Usage on NHI IC Card
作者 隋安莉陳青浩高猷琇薛硯文徐慧穎
頁次 317-333
關鍵字 健保IC卡認知態度NHI IC cardCognitionAttitude
出刊日期 200612




In 2001 Bureau of National Health Insurance (NHI) had replaced the former paper card with NHI IC card. In our preliminary study we found people had poor understanding in the contents, usage of NHI IC card, and cardholders were somewhat worry about the safety. After one year of execution, we would like to know if this situation has been improved. Our results showed that people still had low cognition and usage ofNHI IC card after one year of execution. They still didn't know where the card reader is,and how to set the PIN code. We also study the effects of different gender、age group、occupation and education level on cognition, attitude and usage. In general, the cognition score had improved a little as compared with our previous studies, and convenience of NHI IC card is well approved by people in Taiwan. However, there are still plenty room for improvement. According to our results we made some suggestions and hope our data might provide solid references to NHI for improving the direction of propaganda in the future.

