
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 臺南市撞球運動場館清費者之參與動機與休閒運動體驗之研究
卷期 32
並列篇名 A Study of the Participating Motivation and Leisure Sports Experience of the Billiard in Tainan
作者 林明珠莊庭禎
頁次 418-432
關鍵字 撞球運動場館參與動機休閒運動體驗Participating motivationLeisure sports experienceBilliard
出刊日期 200612




This study based on the questionnaire surveys on 468 billiard participating consumers in Tainan. The main purpose of this research was to understand the participating motivation and leisure sports experience of the billiard consumers. The results of the research were as followings: Concerning of the leisure sports motivation, there were significantly different in factors as “KnowledgeNeeds" and “AchievementNeeds" between different genders of consumers. There were significantly different in factors as “AchievementNeeds" and “StimulusAvoidance" among different age of consumers. There were significantly different in factors as“Stimulus Avoidance" and “Health& Fitness" among different agree of education of consumers. There were significantly different in factors as “KnowledgeNeeds" and “StimulusAvoidance" among different profession of consumers. Concerning of the leisure sports experiences: There were significantly different in factors as “Wholeof the Leisure Sports Experiences" and “BodyHealthy" between different genders of consumers. There were significantly different in factors as “MentalPleasure" and “SocialCommunication" among Different age of consumers. There were significantly different in factors as “EncouragingFighting Spirit" among different agree of education of consumers. There were significantly different in factors as “SocialCommunication" among different profession of consumers.

