
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 臺灣研究所教育集中化現象研究
卷期 32
並列篇名 A Study to the Centralization Phenomenon of Taiwan Graduate Education
作者 鄭經文張嗚珊
頁次 545-558
關鍵字 高等教育研究所教育集中化Higher educationGraduate programCentralization
出刊日期 200612




The main purpose of this academic study is to explore the phenomenon of graduate programs' centralization in Taiwan. That most of graduate programs are provided by a few national universities is a unique phenomenon of higher education in Taiwan. The research finds that graduate programs are centralized at public colleges when compare with private colleges. Also, the research finds that graduate programs are centralized at general colleges when compare with vocational colleges. When only compare with normal universities and technology universities, the research result points out that the normal universities have a much strong developed graduate program system than technology universities. Therefore, the research finds that graduate programs aren't centralized at any particular area冶 universities. Usually, people believe that graduate programs aren't equally developed between different areas in Taiwan. The research also explores that doctoral programs are centralized at a few of national universities. In the 2005 school year, only two main universities, National Taiwan University and National Cheng Kung University, have more than one quarter of doctoral students in Taiwan. Although the research result points out that the master programs' centralization seems not as serious as doctoral programs' centralization in Taiwan, it doesn't mean that there is no centralization problem in Taiwan master program. In the 2005 school year, the top ten universities have more than one third of master program's students in Taiwan, although they only occupy less than 10% of all145 universities in Taiwan. The study also finds out that the phenomenon of graduate programs' centralization presents at few particular academic areas in Taiwan. Taiwan top ten academic areas attract more than one third of doctoral students and more than one sixth of master program's students in the 2005 school year.

