
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 Computer Technology and College Students' Reading Habits
卷期 32
並列篇名 電腦科技與大學生的閱讀習慣
作者 沈麗璧
頁次 559-572
關鍵字 Reading habitReading behaviorOnline readingComputer technology閱讀習慣閱讀行為網上閱讀電腦科技
出刊日期 200612


本研究主要的目的在探討電腦科技對大學生之閱讀習慣是否有影響,以及學生上網閱讀的習慣與他們的性別、年齡、教育階層、大學入學聯招的英文成績、就業與否、及上網時數是否有關。本研究以台灣南部一所大學為例,總共收集了一百二十四份有效問卷。其結果顯示許多大學生的閱讀習慣,確實由紙上閱讀變為網上閱讀。有百分之八十三點九的學生每天常上網閱讀訊息,有百分之六十九點三的學生每天常上網看電子郵件。相較之下,只有百分之三十一點四的學生每天讀報紙,及百分之三十三點一的學生每天閱讀雜誌。學生每天上網最常做的八件事情為:看電子郵件(100%),聽音樂(96.8%),與朋友聊天(96%),使用MSN立即傳訊(95.2%),閱讀線上新聞(88.7%) ,翻閱相簿(85.5%),使用Yahoo立即傳訊(76.6%),及網上購物(54%)。另外,學生閱讀最多的網上資訊是新聞,電子郵件,銷售訊息,影評,及流行訊息。學生上網時最有興趣的主題依次為娛樂、新聞媒體、電腦及網路、休閒運動、參考資料、藝術人文、及健康資訊。閱讀習慣與學生的性別、年齡、教育、大學入學聯招的英文成績、就業與否、及上網時數有相關。本文並包含建議及未來研究的方向。


The purposes of this study were to determine if computer technology had an impact on EFL college students' reading habits and if students' online reading habits and their demographic variables, such as gender, age, CJEE scores, employment status, and online hours were related. 124 valid survey questionnaires were collected from college students in a university in southern Taiwan. The results indicated that college EFL students' reading habits changed from paper-based to internet-based reading. 83.9% of students read online information often everyday and 69.3% of them read emails everyday. In contrast, only 31.4% of them read newspapers, and 33.1 % of them read magazines often everyday. The top 8 things students do online daily are checking em ails (100%), listening to music (96.8%), chatting with friends (96%), using MSN (95.2%), reading online information (88.7%), viewing online photo albums (85.5%), using Yahoo messenger (76.6%), and shopping online (54%). Students read more online news, em ails, sales information, movie review, and fashion news than any other information. As to the topics of interest, the ranking sequence that students indicated is entertainment, news and media, computer and internet, recreation and sports, references, arts and humanities, and health. The results also indicated that gender, age, education, CJEE scores, employment status, online hours, and college students' reading habits are related. Suggestions and implications as well as future research directions were included in this study.

