
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 技職校院職業安全衛生系與高中職銜接問題初探一以南部某科技大學為例
卷期 32
並列篇名 A Study of the Connection between the Departments of Occupational Safety and Health and Vocational High Schools An Example of a University in South Taiwan
作者 徐玉堂胡世明蔡百豐潘宏一陳述輝劉玉文
頁次 573-585
關鍵字 職業安全衛生科系高中職銜接Departments of Occupational Safety and Healththe ConnectionVocational HighSchools
出刊日期 200612




In 1999, the Department of Occupational Safety and Health in a University in south Taiwan had set 4 Year BA Program and had received students graduated from vocational high schools and general high. And the sections that those students came from are above about twenty; even reach 38 sections till2004. Under diversified channels' There are three channels include (1) admission through joint examination, (2) admission through application, (3) admission through recommendation for outstanding academic performance students, and cover three groups of Health 、Mechanical and Electronic. Hence there are so much differences of background between those students. Especially there are about 20% students had not learn the cognition domain of Health group entrance test and which are important base such as Chemistry and Biology.
Because the range of Health is very wide containing Pharmacy, Applied Chemistry, Biotechnology, and Environmental Engineering, etc, the learning motives and wish of students come through three channels are different. In addition, there are some proposals for the improvement of the teaching materials and curriculums on the sprit to provide education for all students without discrimination and the experience of industrial safety education. Finally, we believe that the students of the departments of Occupational Safety and Health will have beautiful perspective under the efforts of all teachers.

