
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 唐代家訓中的夫妻關係及其源流
卷期 32
並列篇名 The Origin and Development of Conjugal Relation that Reflected in the Family Injunctions during the T' ang Dynasty
作者 劉燕儷
頁次 617-635
關鍵字 唐代性別夫妻關係家訓女訓書蒙書T'ang DynastyGenderConjugal relationFamily injunctionsFemale educating bookChild initiating book
出刊日期 200612




As regards the view of conjugal relation and do with each other, the T'ang people follow the Confucian rite norm in the East Han Dynasty, which are observed by the books of the family injunctions during in the T'ang Dynasty.
From the thought of the Han Confucianist, the T'ang'sbooks of the family injunctions accepted the cosmology that the coseugal relation as tian di yin yang (天地陰陽).By way of this contention that the conjugal relation was thought of a husband would be the heaven, the sun; opposite to a wife would be the earth, the moon. Therefore, the husband on behalf of the sun is honorable, primary. On the contrary, the wife on behalf of the moon is inferior, secondary﹒Because a husband is the heaven for his wife, so he could marry again and then his wife could not merry again. Because a husband is the elder and his wife would be the inferior, so the wife must hold her husband in reverence. Such conjugal relation that the East Han's Confucian rite norm were not given more weight to love between the husband and the wife.

