
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 試論蔡松年詞及其在金詞史之地位
卷期 32
並列篇名 Initial Research on Ci Wrote by Tsai Sung Nien and His Status in the History of Chin Ci
作者 黃志煌
頁次 651-667
關鍵字 金詞詞史蔡松年辛棄疾首長軾Chin CiChi historyTsai Sung NienHsin Chi ChiSu Shih
出刊日期 200612




Although in terms of Chinese literature Chin Ci had been ignored by the Han people, and the Chi written by Tsai Sung Nien was unfamiliar to them as well, the history would prove it: To To (Yuan dynasty) once said in Chin History-the Biography of Tsai Sung Nien, "Tsai Sung Nien's Ci was delicate. He, who was especially good at folk songs, was as famous as Wu Chi. The Ci written by them was called 'Wu Tsai Ti'at that time. And they had published their Ci together." The above quotation suggests that Tsai Sung Nien's Chi played an important role in the former period of Chin Ci. Moreover, among 114 pieces of works collected by Yuan Hao Wen in Chung Chou Folk Songs, Tsai Sung Nien composed 12 pieces, which was around 10 percent of the total numbers. The statistics clearly show Yuan Hao Wen's recognition of Tsai Sung Nien's Chi. In addition, according to Yuan To To's Sung History-the Biography of Hsin Chi Chi, Wang Ching Sheng's Tsai Sung Nien's Whole Life, and Hu Chuan Chih's Literature Studies of Chin Dynasty, Hsin Chi Chi was the successor of Tsai Sung Nien. That is,Tsai Sung Nien was the connector who linked Hsin Chi Chi with Su Shih's Chi. Based on the above arguments, Tsai Sung Nien did take an important place in the history of Chin Ci.
This paper is made up of five parts一-introduction, the brief of Tsai Sung Nien、life, the features of Tsai Sung Nien's Ci, the role Tsai Sung Nien played in Ci history, and conclusion. I looked up the information in the related books and analyzed all of the data. Although there are few articles concerned with Tsai Sung Nien, I hope this paper could help promote Tsai Sung Nien's popularity, confirm Tsai's achievements, and make some contributions to the study ofCi.

