
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 姚彥渠〈春秋會要〉評析
卷期 32
並列篇名 Criticizing Yao's Summary of Spring and Autumn
作者 藍麗春
頁次 668-675
關鍵字 姚彥渠《 春秋會要〉世系Yao Yan-QuSummary of Spring and AutumnGeneration system
出刊日期 200612




The Yao's Summary of Spring and Autumn is an important reference for researching Spring and Autumn history. There are some advantage and defect in this book. We discuss about the above topic. After researching, we find that the part of generation system and Hou Concubin (后妃)is the characteristic of this book. In this chapter, not only description but also structure is ordered, tidy and clear. Itcan help researcher much deeply and easily recognize Zuo Biography and History Biography. But the information in article is not original in history. The content is formed by summarized many old history books. There is some mismatch in individual statement. Itis pointed out and presented in this paper.

