
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 由遊客觀點探討媽袓遶境文化與休閒之研究
卷期 32
並列篇名 From Tourists' Viewpoints to Explore the Relationship between Leisure and Ma Tzu Round-tour Culture
作者 張嗚珊王伶雅
頁次 744-757
關鍵字 宗教觀光遺境活動休閒活動心靈活動Religion tourReligion round-tourLeisure activityMind-purified activity
出刊日期 200612




According to the DirectorateGeneral of Budget Accounting and Statistics of Executive Yuan of R.O.C (2003) indicated there were one thousand and three hundred Ma Tzu temples in Taiwan. The beliefs of Ma Tzu were deeply influenced people in Taiwan on recreation and spirit dimensions. In Taiwan, the most representative event of leisure and spirit was the round tour of Da Jaw Ma Tzu of Jen Lan Temple. This round tour event had the longest history, participated most people, and lasted longest activities. Itwas a biggest religion event. Not only had those above, but also Medias and local government promoted lots of people participated in these events.
This study explores the related courses about leisure sightseeing, and religion culture. The purposes of this study are: l.Toexplore the leisure behavior of religion tourists whe participated, and for further activity referenced. 2. To expIre the personnal philosophy of round-tour tourists in religion and leisure.
The methodology of this study uses the survey questionnaires. In this research,“the hope blesses" were foundered as the major motivation to participated in this round-tour. “Seekones' mind tranquilly , and striving for safely" were the most important tourists' participation motivation. In common people's mind, Ma Zu belief could rovide “safety"and “transquility"which were the biggest hope for the beliefers.

