
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 張恨水〈啼笑因緣〉審美特性之析論
卷期 33
並列篇名 The Characteristic of Appreciating Beauty of “Sadnessand Happiness Destined
作者 張靜環
頁次 357-370
關鍵字 張恨水《啼笑因緣〉章回小說審美特徵ZHANG HenshuiSadness and Happiness Destinedzhang hui novelCharacteristic of appreciating beauty
出刊日期 200712




"Sadness and Happiness Destined" became popular in Shanghai in 30's, it could be subjected to the fancy of wide readership, depended on the business and printing industry of flourishing in that time. But the main reason was, it could stimulate the concept that the population appreciates beauty, dulcify the disposition of population, cultivated the mild by reading and encouraged the function of the aestheticism in the mean time. Also, in traditional zhang hui novel, there was some improvement which that had popular with literature, a legend with a realism, amusement with ideological in the same time, forming the refined and vulgar interaction of appreciate beauty characteristic. This article uses esthetic sense to describe appreciating beauty of "Sadness and Happiness Destined" characteristic separately with objective form.
