
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 網路學習環境之互動性對大學課程學習成效之影響
卷期 33
並列篇名 Influences and Benefits of Web-based Learning and Interactivity of University Courses Incorporating Internet Environment
作者 劉鼎昱
頁次 429-446
關鍵字 網路學習資訊科技融入教學互動性互動功能學習成效Web-based learningLearning involved in information technologyInteractivityInteractive functionLearning effectiveness
出刊日期 200712




Learning involved in information technology has become an educational trend. The application of information technology and equipment is mostly based on the internet network as the main platform of web-based learning and teaching. Therefore, the internet network plays an important role in learning involved information technology. In the environment of web-based learning, the unique characteristic is that both of the instructor and learner can interact anywhere anytime thory desire without the restriction of time and space. This research is based on a survry completed by students of Chia-Nan University of Pharmacy and Science. The focus of the survry is to understand the enhancement of learning effectiveness and interactivity of learners using the internet network based on the web-based learning environment at present. According to the information that this research institute collects regarding the influence of internet network studying interactivity factor, the result of the research finds, through web-based learning, learners are more willing to express their opinion and raise questions. In addition, learners generally affirm that there is certain benefit on learning effectiveness and interactivity in web-based learning. Further more, this research proposes some suggestions to the institute, instructor, learner, website developer and planner, and potential researchers that future development of teaching web sites should concentrate on interactive function and the interface should be more users friendly that fulfills users' demand.
