
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 台南縣民眾對行動醫院的認知與滿意度之探討
卷期 33
並列篇名 Cognition and Satisfaction of Mobile Hospital in Tainan County
作者 陳青浩劉維倫林承學黃怡菁鄭家堯隋安莉
頁次 472-484
關鍵字 行動醫院癌症篩檢認知滿意度Mobile hospitalCognitionSatisfaction
出刊日期 200712


本研究的目的是探討台南縣民眾對行動醫院的認知度、滿意度以及民眾的參與行為,並調查民眾對有提供或未提供篩檢項目的需求度及獲知行動醫院之最有效率的宣傳方式。本研究探問卷調查方式進行,分別至行動醫院舉辦活動場地對現場參與民眾與台南縣市民眾進行問卷調查。問卷Cronbach'sa值(包含認知)為0.8864。共發600份, 有效問卷為585份(97.5%)。研究樣本中年齡61歲以上之民眾認知分數和行為分數最高;退休老人與家庭主婦的行為分數最高;樣本中曾經參與過行動醫院的民眾感到滿意的比例高達93.8%'檢定結果顯示民眾的滿意度不因性別、年齡、居住地、職業、教育程度、同居人數及就業人數而有差異。樣本中未參與過行動醫院的民眾對行動醫院覺得有需求的比例也高達93.1%。目前行動醫院未提供而民眾需求度最高的篩檢項目為腹部超音波檢查和精神科檢查;民眾得知行動醫院活動的最主要的管道依序為衛生所通知、里長通知、鄰居或親友告知。本研究結果顯示台南縣政府推行行動醫院的政策受到民眾的高度肯定與認同,民眾對行動醫院需求的比例也高於九成以上。希望本研究可提供台南縣政府在未來改善宣傳方向及增加民眾需求篩檢項目時做為參考,並能透過適當的宣傳管道,讓更多的縣民瞭解及使用行動醫院。


The purpose of this research was to explore the population's cognition and satisfaction for the mobile hospital as well as the participation behaviors. The demands for the providing or non-providing screen examines were also investigated. Those who attended the mobile hospital were asked to voluntarily answer the questionnaire. people lived in Tainan city and county were also randomly surveyed in public. The total survey number was 600, and the effective ones were 585(97.5%). The results showed that people over 61 years old had the highest cognition and behavior scores; the retired people or housewives had the highest behavior scores. In the survey samples the proportion of population who ever participated the mobile hospital and were satisfied reached as high as 93.8%. The results also showed that the population's satisfaction was not significantly different among different gender、 age group、inhabited area、occupation 、educationlevel 、numberof persons living together and number of employment persons in the family. The proportion of population who never attended the mobile hospital but having the demands was 93.1 %. Among non-providing screen examines, the most demanded items were the abdominal ultrasound and the mental inspection. These finding suggested that the mobile hospital policy was highly appreciated and expected by the people in Tainan county. We hope our results could provide references to Tainan County Government for modifying the propaganda direction in the future and increasing the screen examines. Thus, the residents of Tainan county could improve their understanding and attendance of the mobile hospital.
