
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 城市競爭力評量系統之研究
卷期 33
並列篇名 Study on the Evaluating System of City Competitiveness
作者 陳冠位歐陽宇施鴻志
頁次 485-508
關鍵字 城市競爭力永續發展二階段專家問卷City competitivenessSustainable developmenttwo-stage questionnaires
出刊日期 200712




Due to the global competition and challenge, it is necessary to establish the competitive advantage to serve as an evaluation tool for the strategy-making of urban management. From the research results and related theories on the globalization of industrial economy, the competitive advantage of cities, and the sustainable development of cities in the recent years, we can construct a group of indicators that show the three dimensions in determining the competitiveness of the cities - living, production, and ecology. The advantage group and measuring methods that are highly agreed upon the two-stage questionnaires returned from experts in achieving the following functions: data collecting, standardization, and the measuring of development tendency. The measuring methods reflect properly the competitiveness of the cities. The tendency of changing factors that we get hold of serves as reference of the strategy-making of urban management. The measuring system lays equal emphasis on the comparison of indicators in terms of time and space. This paper measures at four time-points: 1986, 1991, 1996 and 2001 to compare the competitiveness of four major metropolitans in Taiwan. The evaluation results show that the development of Taipei City's competitiveness had growth and decline for different aspects and time-points; however, its total competitiveness lay on the tops among the four cities. Kaohsiung City gradually surges in the competitiveness. Taichung City and Tainan City, on the contrary, are declining in the competitiveness. The evaluation results can offer the indicators of urban management a reference for future competitive strategy-making.
