
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 從歷史和政治的觀點看介壽杯籃球賽(1952-1957)
卷期 40:2
並列篇名 Historical and political aspects of J峙-Shou Cup Basketball Tournament in Taiwan (1952-1957)
作者 文多斌
頁次 135-149
關鍵字 籃球介壽杯三軍球場basketballJie-Shou CupSan-Jun Basketball CourtTSSCI
出刊日期 200706




Purpose: To investigate the developing, and the historical significance of the Jie-Shou Cup Basketball Tournament that was held in San-Jun Basketball Court from 1952 to 1957 during the initial period of Republic of China government in Taiwan. These topics not only initiate author's curiosity but they also stimulate author's research motivation. Method: Inorder to thoroughly inquire and analyzes these topics, the author has collect the main newspapers, discussion documentary, books and related periodical papers, in the hope of reconstructing the historical scene and interpreting from the historical and political viewpoint. Results: Jie-Shou Cup Basketball Tournament had been held six years by military. Besides the team number of participation, the places were also increased, and basketball fans were crazy for it. Also, it indirectly facilitated the international basketball invitational tournament which Taiwan will conduct in the future.
1. The lie-Shou Cup Basketball Tournament originated from the love of overseas Chinese and the enthusiasm for the president and the nation.
2. The Jie-Shou Cup Basketball Tournament was developed from central government to local, from nothern to southern island.
3. The lie-Shou Cup Basketball Tournament has opened the future development of Taiwan basketball movement.
