
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 大陸高中生三次考試的研析
卷期 42:12
並列篇名 A Study of the Three Examinations for High School Education in Mainland China
作者 范利民
頁次 17-38
關鍵字 r3+ XJ方案等高考會考中考考試科目考試管理考試形式考試命題考試內容統一考試高中教育規模project “3+ Xunified examinationcollege entrance examinationhigh school comprehensive examinationhigh school entrance examinationTSSCI
出刊日期 199912


高級中等教育在大陸整體教育發展中所受到的重視一直受人質疑。事實上,由於教育經費的短缺,多年來中共在發展教育的過程中的表現也只交出了一張顧頭顧腳而顧不到身體的成績單。然而,高級中等教育在基礎教育和高等教育轉承與銜接的作用層面實有不可輕忽的地位。因此在無法擴大高中教育的情況下,竭力於提升其質量乃當務之急。在此同時,中共教育當局得以致力於大陸高中生的三次考試,即入學考、畢業考、以及升學考等,實不失為明智之舉。唯此三項考試之改革工程浩大,實非一就可幾,可供探討之課題甚多。本文擬經由以下範疇略予著墨:一、陳述大陸高中教育的類型與規模。二、探討高中生入學考試的弊端及問題、制度的改革、改革的前沿措施、以及改革的方向。三、研析高中生的畢業考試,而重點則落在:r會考」 制度的推廣、制度的主要內容、利弊、及改革的方向等課題之上。四、剖析高中生的升學考試,主要則在追述其發展進程、研析制度下的幾個焦點問題、評估其中所涉之各種科目改革方案、以及標示出「高考」改革的可能方向。


As important as a bridge between fundamental education and tertiary education, high school education in Mainland China has undoubtedly been neglected for more than forty years. Owing to an insufficient educational budget, emphasis was not allocated to high school education for expansion and enhancement, but measures to improve the examination systems relevant to high school education were set to take place. This is meant to boost the quality of high school education in order to make-up for the insufficient quantity of students. On the other hand, the three examinations relevant to high school students一the high school entrance examination, the high school comprehensive examination, and a subsequent college entrance examination are actually considered as the key factors to the success of education in mainland China. The PRC, however, has stressed the value of the reform of these examination systems in recent years. This paper reviews and evaluates all of these three examinations, and seeks to layout possible directions for Improvement.
