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篇名 《論語》中顏回形象的現代闡釋
卷期 8:4
並列篇名 The modern Interpretation of Yen Hui's images in Analects of Confucius
作者 陳桂雲
頁次 045-066
關鍵字 顏田形象好學德行內涵Yen HuiimagestudiousVirtue Ethicsintension
出刊日期 200912




At仕ibuting to the modem media, studying Analects nowadays became a popular trend.Confucian philosophy leads people to learn how to obtain a pleasant spirit in modem life, and furthermoreωcultivate their own mind. Among Confucius' disciples, Yen Hui is listed in the category of Virtue Ethics, and he is on the top of ten outstanding disciples. Yen Hui was praised the most by Confucius and Confucius said about him only good never bad words. He posses both morality and talent. He is always most favorite and respectful student, and is Confucius's close and confident friend and successor as well. Thisresearch focuses on Yen Hui's images. We study mainly books such as Confucian Analects, Mencius', and Shi Ji and look into relative literatures in order to find out Yen Hui's real personality and characteristics. We expect that this research is an inspiration for modem people.
