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篇名 以Nijmegen問卷評估高科技產業員工急性換氣過度症候群之盛行率及相關因子
卷期 16:3、16:3
並列篇名 Using Nijmegen Questionnaire to Evaluate Prevalence of Hyperventilation Syndrome among Hi-Tech Industry Workers
作者 郭伯宇周川宏謝俊民黃建元錢才瑋蘇世斌
頁次 193-206
關鍵字 換氣過度症候群焦慮恐慌症Nijmegen問卷職業醫學Hyperventilation syndromeAnxietyPanic disorderNijmegen questionnaireOccupational healthTSCI
出刊日期 200907


目標:過度換氣症候群(Hyperventilationsyndrome, HVS)為臨床上常見症狀,但卻無 客觀診斷標準。也因此相關流行病學研究亦不多。本研究提使用Nijmegen問卷調查高科技產業職場員工發生換氣過度症候群之盛行率及相關危險園子。方法:本研究自2006年7月到12月間於南台灣某公司以Nijmegen問卷調查HVS之盛行率,並以自填問卷方式收集個案基本資料,分析HVS之相關危險因子及症狀頻率分佈。結果:共完成性集1837位受梭者,其中有184位(10%)符合HVS的診斷。發現女性、身體質量指數較低者、教育程度低者、已婚者、有痛經者、有家族史者及每天喝咖啡者其HVS盛行率較高,而常日班、每週運動1-3小時者及每週運動4-7小時者盛行率較低。但放入女性、家族史、喝咖啡之習慣及每週運動習慣等園子進行多變項邏輯式回歸分析,發現女性(OR=3.28' 95% C.1. =2.31-4.65)、有HVS家族史(OR=4.59 ' 95% C.1. = 2.08-10.12)及每日喝咿啡 (OR=2.15 ' 95%CI=1.21-3.8)為獨立危險因子,而每週運動1-3小時者(OR = 0.67 ' 95% C.1. = 0.48-0.93)則有保護技果。結論: HVS為高科技產業職場常見急症,若能針對其好發因 子如喝咖啡之習慣加以預防,將可有效減少工作現場突發事件。


Objectives: Hyperventilation syndrome (HVS) is found in general clinic but without standard diagnostic criteria. We conducted this study to survey the prevalence of HVS among high-tech occupational setting by Nijmegen questionnaire. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study to estimate the HVS prevalence with Nijmegen Questionnaire from July 1, 2006 to December 31,2006 in a large Hi-Tech company in southern Taiwan. We collected from each participant the following data - demographic and lifestyle data (gender, age, medical
history, smoking history, alcohol history, coffee consumption, physical exercise, etc.), urine routine, complete blood cell count, and serum biochemistry tests. Univariate logistic regression and then multivariate logistic regression were performed to find the predictors of HVS. Result:
In total, there were 1837 participants who completed this study. And 184 participants (10%) were compatible with our HVS diagnosis by Nijmegen questionnaire. We found the participants who were female, lower BMI, lower education level, married, with dysmenorrheal history, with HVS family history, and daily coffee consumption had higher prevalence, and the participants with fixed shift, regular exercise 1-3 hours per week and 4-7 hours per week had lower prevalence. Using multiple logistical regression, we found female (OR=3.28, 95% C.1. =2.31-4.65), HVS family history (OR=4.59, 95% C.1. = 2.08-10.12), and daily coffee consumption (OR=2.15, 95%CI=1.21-3.8) were independent predictors, and weekly exercise 1-3 hours was protective factor (OR = 0.67, 95% C.1. = 0.48-0.93). Conclusions: HVS is a common emergent event in workplace. This frequency of HVS might be reduced through health education and risk factors prevention.
