
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 冒險性活動對於青少年團隊氣氛影響之研究
卷期 23
並列篇名 On the Study of the Influence to Teenagers' Team Atmosphere afte Adventure Programs
作者 陳皆榮
頁次 133-144
關鍵字 冒險性活動團隊氣氛獨處活動adventure programteam atmospheresoloTSSCI
出刊日期 199709


一、實驗組A的團隊氣氛,在後iQIJ與追蹤測的得分較前iQIJ高,差異雖未達顯著水準,但應有提高的傾向。二、實驗組A的積極性、安心親和與活潑安定等三因素,在活動結束30天後的追蹤測較前測高,且差異達顯著水準(P< .01)。 三、實驗組A比實驗組B在活動結束後,活潑安定因素較為提高,且差異達顯著水準(P< .01)。 四、實驗組A的積極性、安心親和典活潑安定等三因素,在活動結束後比控制組高,且差異達顯著水準(p< 0.5, P < .01)。


Themain objective of the present research is aimed at investigating the influence of team atmosphere of forty-one junior high school teenagers, namely experimental group A, after experiencing six days and five nights adventure camping program. Two other duel sample groups, one is a forty-two same age teenager's group (experimental group B), that attended regular leisurely camping activity, and the other is a group of sixty-eight that not joined any activity at all (controlled group), are used to do the comparison study. After applying SAS/PC statistic analysis, the following results are obtained: 1. Thought the team atmosphere change of the experimental group A is not up to an obvious level, it trends to increase beteen right after and follow-up tests. 2. For the factors of mutual intimacy and vivacious of the experimental group A, the increasing difference between the tests done right after and thirty days after the program reaches and obvious level (P < 0.01). 3. For the vivacious factor after the program, follow-up test indicates that menbers in group A show better improvement than ones in group B, and the difference reaches an obvious level (P < 0.01). 4. For the factors of mutual intimacy and vivacious after the program, members in group A also show better improvement than ones in controlled group, and the difference reaches an obvious level (P < 0.05, and P < 0.01)..-

