
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 阻尼器對網球拍受碰撞時暫態振動響應之影響
卷期 23
並列篇名 The Damping Effects of Vibration absorber on the Transient Response of Tennis Racket due to Ball Impact
作者 林寶城黃世欽
頁次 157-168
關鍵字 網球拍振動響應阻振器趨穩時間阻尼比碰撞暫態振動響應tennis racketvibration absorbervibrationresponsesettling timedamping ratioimpacttransientresponseTSSCI
出刊日期 199709


本研究是分析阻振器對網球拍暫態振動之影響。主要目的是從網球拍受碰撞時,裝設阻振器對傳遞至拍柄振動響應之影響。並從實驗探討網球拍在真正擊球時,裝設阻振器對傳至拍柄及手臂之暫態振動響應o研究採用一支Wilson Superlight Power System 5.8SI網球拍作為實驗對象,分別穿以橫線 五十入磅,縱線六十磅之多元醋人工合成綱線。實驗時將球拍鉗妓於固定平檯上,並使用自由落體的方式,將網球從二�凡的垂直高度降落分別向拍面甜點及偏離甜點碰撞,實驗分裝設及未裝設阻振器兩種方式進行平研究結果所擷取到網球拍受碰撞時拍柄之暫態振動響應原始資料,經自然對數衰減(Logarithmic Decrement)方程式,換算出阻尼比(Damping ratio) ,同時使用趨穩時間(SettlingTime)來分析振幅趨穩的狀況。從阻尼比的分析顯示網球拍受偏離甜點碰撞時,裝設阻振器與否,對拍柄之暫態振動響應沒有影響。而當網球拍受正對拍面甜點碰撞時,拍面頂端或邊端加裝任何阻振器似乎沒有明顯的阻振效果,但是若在拍面柄端加裝阻振器,則可產生明顯的阻振效果。從趨穩時間分析結果也顯示,當網球向拍面甜點碰撞時,拍柄端加裝方形及線形阻振器的趨穩時間明顯的小於其他實驗狀況的趨穩時間值,這也顯示綱球向拍面甜點碰撞時,拍面柄端力口:裝阻振器,會有顯著的阻振效果。


Transient response of a tennis racket subject hitting impact was studied experimentally in this paper. The influences of vibration absorber on the transient response was particularly studied. The vibration transmission to the racket handle during striking ball was emphasized. It was shown that the damping ratio reached a maximum when the damper was mounted the racket handle provided the ball struck on the sweet spot. Nevertheless, when the ball struck away from the sweet spot, the damper had no obvious influence on the vibration transmission to the racket handle. Overall, the vibration absorption ability of the vibration absorber became better as it was mounted as closer to the racket handle.

