
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 最大耗氧量預測公式對體適能好壞的運動員預測力
卷期 23
並列篇名 The accuracy of the athletic V02max prediction in the high and the low level of physical fitness from different Equations
作者 黃榮松
頁次 215-226
關鍵字 最大耗氧量12分鐘跑走測驗預測準確性V02max12-minrun testpredicted accuracyTSSCI
出刊日期 199709


本研究的目的在於驗證最大耗氧量迴歸去式對體過能好壞的最大耗氧量預測準確性。50位大學男性運動員,經12分鐘跑走測驗,取最好的10位為體過能好組,最差之10名鳥體迪能差組。參加Bruce電動跑步機最大耗氧量測驗,經二因于變異數(Two-wayANOV A)分析體能好壞與三種迴歸 去式預測準確性,紐曼-科爾法進行事後比較,考驗其差異性,顯著水準設在α小於.05。研究結果如下:一、黃榮松(1996b)最大耗氧量迴歸去式對運動員體適能好壞的預測力分別為57.76 %、44.89%。顯示黃榮和(1996b)所發展的迴歸預測位式對體迫能好的運動員最大耗氧量預測力較高。二、體能好的運動員最大耗氧量預測準確性比較,黃榮和(1996b),林偉立等人(1984)與實際測驗出來的結呆相近,且兩個位式間沒有差異:而Cooper (1968)迴歸去式有顯著低估(p< .05)現象。 三、體能差的運動員最大耗氧量預測準確性比較,黃榮松(1996b)最好,但林偉立等人(1984)與Cooper(1968)迴歸去式有顯著低估(p < .05)現象o 因此,本研究建議要使用12分鐘跑走測驗預測運動員最大耗氧量時,應採用黃榮松(1996b)的迴歸去式,特別是體通能好的運動員的測驗更好。


The purposes of the study was to test the accuracy of athletic V02Ptax prediction in the high and the low level of physical fitness athletes from different equations. Fifty college athletes volunteer to participate the 12-min run, then pick the best 10 as the high physical fitness group (HG), while the last 10 as the low level of physical fitness group (LG). Both two groups participated the Bruce treadmill V02max test (BTVT). Two-way ANOV A was used to test the prediction accuracy from the different V02max predicted equations in HG and LG. Newman-Kuel posthoc comparison was used to test the different prediction accuracy between two equations.αlevel was set at .05. The finding were as follows: 1.Hwang's (1996b) equation can be predicted 57.76%, 44.89% (P<.05) athletic V02 max in HG and LG, respectively. This indicating the Hwang's (1996b)equation is better predication in high level physical fitness athletes than that of low level physical fitness athletes. 2. No significant different in predicted HG V02max was found between the Hwang's (1996b)and the Lin et al. (1984); however, a significant underestimation was found in the Cooper's (1968). 3. Hwang's (1996b)equation can be accurate predicted LG, however, Linet al. (1984) and Cooper's equations are significant underestimation of LG V02max. Therefore, we recommended to use Hwang's (1996b)equation to predict athletic V02max, especially in high level of physical fitness athletes if using the 12-minute run as a test method.

