
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 女子足球選手下肢等速肌力與足背踢球球速相關之研究
卷期 23
並列篇名 The relationship of isokinetic strength and velocity of instep kicking ball of college female
作者 王世椿曾媚美徐台閣徐廣明
頁次 251-260
關鍵字 等速肌力速度足球Isokinetic strengthVelocitySoccerTSSCI
出刊日期 199709


探討女子足球選手稅、膝、躁關節仲肌和屈肌肌力與足背踢球球遠的關係'乃利用Merac等速肌力測量儀、雷達測速槍(ProspeedII)等設備,對18 位自願的大專女子足球選手(其中9位烏國家儲訓選手)進行研究(平均年齡19.2 + 1.3歲,身高160.4+ 3.5 �分,體重53.9+ 4.7公斤),受試者分別在10、30及到中m轉速下,以慣用腳做鴨、膝、躁關節等速肌力測驗,以雷達測速槍記錄足背踢球球遠。結果發現在30中m與50叩m轉速下,膝仲肌和膝屈肌肌力均與踢球球迷有顯著的相關r= 0.53-0.80f(p<0.05) ,表示女子足球選手膝仲肌和膝屈肌肌力在快速收縮及中等速度收縮時,明顯的有利於踢球球遠的增加。利用複迴歸之逐步迴歸統計方法,得到球迷的最佳預測棋式:膝屈肌在50叩m轉速下佔踢球球速64.0%,在投入兩個變數→膝仲肌在50叩m轉速下及稅屈肌在30中m轉速下,合力佔踢球球遠的72.3-80.1 % ' 顯示嚨屈肌在踢球初期動作中,引導者膝關節快遠收縮,有重要的作用,稅膝協同訓練應有助於球迷的改善。踢球球遠的決定係數中仍有19.9%的變因,是由下肢其他肌力和全身各部位的相主協調而來,可作為評量足背踢球學習和協調性訓練的參考。結論:膝關節快速收縮可發展出最大的足背踢球球遠,親屈肌在指揮膝關節的功能上,不可忽視,踢球時全身肌力配合的協調性是可評量的。


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship of isokinetic strength and velocity of instep kicking ball of college female soccer players. Eighteen female soccer players (mean age 19.2 ± 1.3yrs., mean ht. 160.4±3.5cm, mean wt. 53.9±4.7kg) were evaluated low limb isokinetic strength with Merac Isokinetic Dynamometer at the speed of 60 deg/sec、180 deg/sec and 300 deg/sec and the velocity of kicking ball with radar speed gun. The results indicate that the correlation coefficients of velocity of kicking ball for knee extensor and flexor isokinetic strength at the speed of 180 deg/sec and 300 deg/sec were = .53 to .80 (p < .05). The regression equation of prediction velocity of kicking ball from low limb isokinetic strength was that velocity = 40.47535 - 0.14117 (hip flexor isokinetic strength at the speed of 180 deg/sec) + 0.59980 (knee flexor isokinetic strength at the speed of' 300 deg/sec) + 0.42998 (knee extensor isokinetic strength at the speed of 300 deg/sec)? (R" = .80). Itis concluded that the present finding can be applied for exercise prescription in college female soccer players.

