
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 不定練習與目標空間限制對技能絕佳預期時宜的影響
卷期 23
並列篇名 The effect of variable practice and target spatial constraint on coincidece anticipation timing
作者 陳秀惠林清和
頁次 287-298
關鍵字 絕佳預期時宜不定練習coincidence anticipation timingvariable practiceTSSCI
出刊日期 199709


本研究旨在利用甩盤擲準的技能絕佳預期時宜(coincidenceanticipation timing,以下簡稱CAT)操作來槍驗不定練習假說,同時探討有無目標空間的 限制對CAT的影響。以104名小學四年妓女童,分組練習每天30次共五天的實驗捧作後,於第五天進行3和6mph兩種刺激速度下的立即遷移測驗。二因子變異數分析結呆顯示,在6mph的遷移速度中,絕對時宜誤出現交互作用,經過進一步以單純主要效呆分析,發現在有空間的情況下,固定組小於不定組;而在速度不定的情形中,無空間組小於有空間缸。同時,在3mph遷移速度中,於相對誤差和起始動作時間、動作時間等依變項中,皆主現速度的主要技呆;固定組顯著的較不定組提早、且較快。到了延後遷移,在6mph的遷移中之變異誤差中,有空間組顯著的小於無空間組。在3mph遷移中的相對誤差依然與先前一樣,存在顯著效果。研究結果部分支持不定練習假說。同時也指出,目標空間的限制除了影響了CAT的表現和不定練習假說的實證結果o


The purpose of the study is to determine the variability of practice hypothesis as well as to investigate the effect of with/without target spatial constraint on coincidence anticipation timing (CAT) by using a throw-interception task .104 fourth grade girls assigned to four training groups received 30 trials on each of five days and then test at the fifth day with speeds of 3 and 6mph stimulus not experienced previously. The two-way ANOVA (SPEED x SPACE) revealed an interaction of absolute temporal error (AE) (F = 4.12*) when the stimulus was 6mph. The simple main present that under with spatial constraint circumstances, the AE of constant groups are lower than variable groups; while under variable speed circumstances, the AE of without target spatial constrain groups were lower than that of the counter groups. Whenthe stimulus was 3mph, there were significant effects of Speed, F= 17.75*, on constant temporal error (CE); F = 5.77*, on ini tiation time (INT);F = 4.86*, on movement duration (MD).The variable groups were significant earlier (CE, INT) and faster than constant groups. The SPACE effect exist during delay transfer test (F = 5.51 *) on variable temporal error (VET), the with spatial constrain groups were significant lower than the without ones in 6mph. When the stimulus was 3mph, CE showed SPEED effect (F = 5.51 *) as that in prior test. It was concluded that, firstly. the variability practice hypothesis was rt partially supported. Secondly, target spatial constrain effect the CAT performance as well as the favor of variability prediction.

