
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 不同口頭回饋形式對大專學生運動成就目標取向之影響
卷期 23
並列篇名 The Effects of Different Verbal Feedback on College Pupils' Goal Orientation
作者 陳秀華
頁次 347-358
關鍵字 運動成就目標取向口頭回饋Goal OrientationVerbal FeedbackTSSCI
出刊日期 199709


本研究主要探討不同口頭回鑽形式對大專學生運動成就目標取向之影響,受試者鳥私立嘉南藥理學院學生(N= 88) ,其中男生48人,女生40人,被隨機分派至肯定回饋及否定回饋組,研究結果顯示:不同口頭回饋形式並未對大專學生的成就目標取向造成交互作用影響。研究假設並未得到支持;研究者認為值得再深入探討。研究最後,研究者將提出結果應用及未來研究之建議,以供體育教師及往後研究者參考。


The main purpose of this study was to irwestigate the effects of different verbal feedback on college pupils' goal orientation.Thesubjects were come from CHIA NAN Junior College of Pharmacy. (N=88, Male=48, Female=40). Subjects were randomly assigned to either the group of positive verbal feedback or the group of negative verbal feedback. The findings showed: Different verbal feedback did not have any interaction effect on subjects' goal orientation. Owing to hypotheses couldn't get support, further investigations are necessaη. Finally, I would like to make suggestions on results application and successive research according to the results of this study.

