
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 高中職創意競賽之團隊歷程──成員歧異度與團隊氣氛對團隊創造力的影響
卷期 32:4
並列篇名 A Study of Team Creativity Process of High School Students in Taiwan–The Impact of the Team Climate and Team Diversity on Team Creativity
作者 張仁和陳學志徐芝君林耀南
頁次 73-97
關鍵字 team creativityteam diversityteam climate團隊創造力成員歧異度團隊氣氛TSSCI
出刊日期 200912




The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of team climate and team diversity on team creativity process. The author asked the team members’ background in order to know the diversity of each team and designed a team climate scale of five subscales: “outcome expectation”, “psychological safety”, “attitude toward conflict”, “team task orientation” and “support for innovation” to investigate the team climate. The scale holds high reliability and validity by statistics method. The samples were high school students from the fourth Intelligent Ironman Creativity Context in Taiwan. The researcher separated participants into two groups, which were the teams join the final and fail in preliminary test, total were 281 participants. We used logistic regression to analyze the data which revealed that the diversity of interests, proficient subjects, and categories in classes could predict their team creativity. The subscales of “attitude toward conflict” and “support for innovation” could predict their team creativity. However, as we did MAVONA which showed that “outcome expectation” was significant between those two groups. It may due to the correlation among the subscales and partial out the variance. We provide some of the implication of these findings for the education of Chinese culture, especially on teenagers’ team creativity development and cooperation learning.
