
國立政治大學歷史學報 THCI

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篇名 朝鮮戰爭初期蘇中朝三角同盟的形成:以中俄解密檔案為基礎的研究
卷期 31
並列篇名 The Formation of the Sino-Soviet-North Korean Triangular Alliance in the Beginning Period of the Korean War:A Study Based on Declassified Archives in China and Russia
作者 沈志華
頁次 165-198
關鍵字 朝鮮戰爭蘇聯空軍參戰中國出兵朝鮮中蘇同盟The Korean Warthe Involvement of the Soviet Air ForcesChina’s Entry into the Korean Warthe Sino-Soviet AllianceTHCI
出刊日期 200905




China’s entry into the Korean War and the involvement of the Soviet air forces in the war constituted the basis of China’s and the Soviet Union’s joint assistance to North Korea as well as the formation of the Sino-Soviet-North Korean triangular alliance. Recently declassified archives in China and Russia have provided a great amount of documentary evidence for historians to uncover the mystery surrounding the historical event. In the beginning period of the Korean War, the American intervention compelled the Chinese and Soviet leaders to contemplate the possibility of sending Chinese forces to intervene the war. Stalin had promised to send Soviet air forces to cover Chinese ground forces, without,however, specifying the timing and method of dispatching Soviet forces. Before the American forces’ landing on Incheon, Mao Zedong had wanted to send the Chinese forces with an aim of ending the war as soon as possible. However,Stalin did not want to use the Chinese troops in hurry, partly because it involved the Soviet commitment to dispatch air forces and the Soviet position and influence in North Korea. At the crucial moment when the American forces crossed the 38th parallel, Mao Zedong wished to send out Chinese troops immediately. However, Stalin worried about the possibility of direct military confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States. Moreover, the Soviet leader was suspicious of Mao’s sincerity in sending Chinese troops as well as the effectiveness of doing so. Therefore, Stalin refused to dispatch the Soviet air forces. However, after Chinese troops entered into the Korean peninsula and confronted directly the American and South Korean troops, Moscow dispatched air forces to join the battle, which not only protected Chinese territorial air space, but also provided cover for the rear of the Chinese troops. One of Stalin’s unyielding principles, however, was that regardless of whether who would cross the Yalu River or not, the Soviet air forces would only act in the rear area and not involve themselves in frontier battles. It can be shown from the process of China’s sending out troops and the Soviet air forces’ joining the war that the triangular relations among China, the Soviet Union and North Korea were extremely delicate, and that the basis of such a triangular alliance was quite weak.
