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篇名 The Importance of Liaison Interpreting in the Theoretical Development of Translation Studies
卷期 8
並列篇名 對話口譯對翻譯理論發展的重要貢獻
作者 謝怡玲
頁次 283-322
關鍵字 Liaison InterpretingCommunicationMedical InterpretingCommunity Interpreting翻譯理論口譯對話口譯醫療口譯傳播學
出刊日期 200312


本文檢視對話口譯(liaison interpreting)的特性,並探討對話口譯理 論發展對整體翻譯理論之貢獻。傳統翻譯理論的發展深受筆譯理論及即時口譯理論影響,往往重視字義、言吾土竟對應,而忽略翻譯員靈活運用翻譯策略促進對話雙方溝通的層面。長久以來,對話口譯員的翻譯理念及行為準則(如:角色中立、傳聲筒理論)亦深受筆譯理論及即時口譯理論影響。但最新研究顯示專業對話口譯員往往主動介入溝通過程,影響他人的溝通方式。此一發現點出傳統翻譯理論之缺失,即傳統翻譯理論無法解釋翻譯員在明知其行為準則峙,為何刻意選擇不符合該理念的翻譯策略(如:擇要翻譯、主動加入解釋)?本文作者綜合整理各領威(包括人類學、社會學、語言學、語言分析、心理學及傳播學)的口譯研究發展,討論由溝通、互動角度檢視口譯員的翻譯行為對翻譯理論的重要貢獻。對話口諱的特性(即口譯過程的靈活互動、對話參與者的角色扮演及溝通協調、情境因素對口譯過程的影響)點出口譯過程的複雜性。翻譯者並不完全追求字義、言吾t竟對應,翻譯人員受各種內在、外在因素的影響,改變其翻譯策略以促進各方溝通。了解影響翻譯人員表現的各種因素可使研究者更了解口譯活動,也可研發訓練計畫教導翻譯員及客戶減少跨文化、跨語言j薄通過程中的障礙。


Thispaper examines the distinct characteristics of liaison interpreting and explored the contribution of liaison interpreting to the theoretical development of translation studies. The historical development and theoretical themes of translation studies suggest that the ideology and codes of conduct of consecutive interpreting are heavily influenced by theories of translation and simultaneous interpreting. An overview of the theoretical development of interpretation across various disciplines (e.g., anthropology, sociology, applied linguistics, discourse analysis, psychology, and communication) suggests that the latest development of examining interpreter-mediated conversations as a communicative activity will allow researchers to explore the dynamic and interactive aspects of interpretation. I propose a new field of investigation, liaison interpreting, in lights of its potential contributions to various disciplines. The distinct characteristics of liaison interpreting (i.e., the dynamics of interpreting activity, the mediation of roles and identities, and the contextual influences of interpreting) provide researchers rich resources to explore the complexity of interpreting as a communicative activity coordinated between multiple parties and to develop effective models to facilitate interpreter-mediated interactions.
