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篇名 組織變革影響公務員服務導向及變革接受態度之因果模式分析─以台北市區公所為例
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 The Causal Analysis of the Influence of Organizational Change on Service Orientation and Employee Attitude: A Case Study of Taipei District Office
作者 劉祥得翁興利陳彩虹
頁次 125-162
關鍵字 組織承諾工作滿意度服務導向組織變革organizational commitmentservice orientationjob satisfactionorganizational change
出刊日期 200906




The main purpose in this paper is to investigate the effect of “Three Steps Organization Changes in Taipei City” on public servant, the policy was submitted by Taipei City government in 26th September 2007. The first step is to adopt a “one stop window” program for social welfare and health insurance applicants. This study tries to examine the influence of “Three Steps Organization Changes” on frontline servant’s attitude of organization change and service orientation. The results show that job involvement and training program can
enhance public servants’ job satisfaction and service orientation. However, job stress reduces public servants’ job satisfaction. Job satisfaction affects public servants’ affective commitment, service orientation and attitude toward organization change.
