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篇名 中國大陸抗SARS過程中央與廣東之策略互動
卷期 17:1
並列篇名 Strategic Interaction between the Central and Guangdong Governments during the SARS Crisis in China
作者 王嘉州
頁次 85-124
關鍵字 積極合作部分妥協理性抉擇制度論中央與地方關係Rational Choice InstitutionalismPartially CompromiseCentral-Local RelationsActive Co-Operation
出刊日期 200906




This paper examines the relationship between the central and local governments in China on the basis of their interactions during the SARS crisis. This is accomplished by applying the rational choice institutionalism approach to the analysis of the strategic interactions that occurred between the central and Guangdong governments while they dealt with the SARS crisis. In the course of the research for this paper, it was discovered that the central and Guangdong governments had held two rounds of strategic interaction. The central government had initially “covered up the epidemic” and later “announced the epidemic.” Guangdong had initially cooperated with the central government; however, it later attempted to resist the central government‟s measures. As a result, Guangdong was capable of evaluating the circumstances and to reflect freely towards the Central‟s policies. The result of the first round of interactions was “active co-operation,” which was in line with both the
central and Guangdong governments‟ preferences. After the second round of interactions, they agreed to “partially compromise”; thus, the Guangdong government‟s preference prevailed in this round. This finding corresponds perfectly with the non-zero sum game theory and is evidence of the fact that the compromise favored the Guangdong government‟s preference. However, it is necessary to examine other cases to determine whether the Chinese politics will follow the norms of a non-zero sum game, in accordance with the “Power
Balancing Model.”
