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篇名 優納斯責任倫理學的環境教育涵義探究
卷期 19
並列篇名 Inquiry into the Implications of Hans Jonas’ Ethics of Responsibility about Environmental Education
作者 梁福鎮鄒慧美
頁次 35-62
關鍵字 Hans Jonasenvironmental education優納斯ethics of responsibility環境教育責任倫理學
出刊日期 200906


本文採用教育銓釋學方法,對優納斯的責任倫理學進行探討,主要的目的有下列幾項:1. 探討優納斯責任倫理學的思想淵源;2.分析優納斯責任倫理學的主要內涵;3.評價優納斯責任倫理學的優劣得失;4.闡明優納斯責任倫理學對環境教育的重要啟示。優納斯被認為是對抗科投力量霸權施展於社會的思想家之一,他以存有論做為其責任論理學的基礎,反對人類中心主義的說法,主張生命自身就是有機體存在的最高價值與終極目的,向人類發出「應然」的要求。他訴求一種具有未來性、非相互性、絕對性的責任,來保護自然及未來的世代。為了要實現這種新的責任原理,他提出了「恐懼啟發法」,希望能激起人的憂患意識,期能將災害到最低程度。研究者希望經由優納斯責任倫理學的探究。瞭解其學說的優點與缺點,提供做為建立環境教育理論和改善環境教育實際的參考。


This article adapts the method of educational hermeneutics to discuss Hans Jonas’ ethics of responsibility. Main research aims of this article as following:(1)to discuss the origin of Jonas’ ethics of responsibility;(2)to analyze theoretical contents of Jonas’ ethics of responsibility;(3)to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of Jonas’ ethics of responsibility;(4)to explain the important implications of Jonas’ ethics of responsibility for Taiwan’s environmental education. Hans Jonas is considered one of thinkers that fight against the hegemony of technical power upon society. He gives an ontological explanation to resist the human─centric thinking, and points out that life itself is the highest value and ultimate end of organism. What’s more, the objective value claims of “ought” to man to take the responsibility for its subjects He appeals to a prospective, unreciprocal, and categorical responsibility to protect nature and to save future generations. To realize the new ethics, he proposes “the heuristics of fear”, which means to predict doom in prevalence, therefore make man have consciousness of ear and inspire him to correct his own errors so as to lessen the possible disaster. I hope through inquiry into Jonas’ ethics of responsibility to understand advantages and disadvantages about his theory. Then, I will offer if as reference, in order to build environmental education theory and to improve environmental education practice for our country.
