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篇名 澳洲新移民子女照顧服務政策規劃之研究
卷期 19
並列篇名 A Study on the Policy Plan of the Care and Service for the Immigrants and Their Children in Australia
作者 顏佩如
頁次 95-138
關鍵字 immigrants’ children multi─cultureimmigration policyimmigrantsAustralia多元文化移民政策新移民澳洲新移民子女
出刊日期 200906


澳洲緊鄰亞洲地區與亞洲互動頻繁,是全球地理面積第6的國家深具世界代表性,政治體制與我國近似,經濟發展模式與我國相仿,採用西式的混利型經濟,產業型態類型與我國相似。澳洲是屬於知識型經濟體系的國家,藉由新移民的管理與傳銷吸納不少人才,促進該國的經濟繁榮與國家安定,與我國新移民的管理理念相似。全澳人口為2101萬 1,072人人與外籍移民數量與我國也相仿,大陸地區移民也成為澳洲的新移民經濟型態與文化轉型,是值得重視的國家。
因此,本研究的目的在於:探討澳洲對於新移民及其子女的理念與政策規劃以及分析澳洲新移民及子女照顧輔導、就業職訓與社會網路等措施,綜合以上研究結果,對我國新移民政策與規劃提供參考。本研究主要是運用文獻分析法,收集對澳洲相關文獻與網路上政府公告文件為主,探討澳洲新移民及其子女理念與政策包括:1.澳洲現行的多元文化政策(Current multicultural policy)(12 May 2003);2.澳洲多元文化委員會(Council for Multicultural Australia, CMA)的組成與運作;3.澳洲國會對於種族接受的聲明(Parliamentary statement on racial tolerance);4.澳洲多元文化政策簡史的介紹(A brief history of multicultural policies)(The Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Australia, 2007a)等;5.澳洲現今的國家移民政策。其次,探討澳洲新移民及其子女照顧輔導、就業輔導與教育等措施規劃,包括澳洲近來與現行移民照顧與輔導、社會網路建立等內涵,並瞭解過去的成效與概況,以及最新的澳洲移民與公民部2007─2008年度計畫、2008─2011年度計畫。


Australia was close to the Asian region and had the frequent interaction between Asia, its geographical area was the world’s No. 6 big in the world. In addition, Australia political system and the pattern of economic development were similar to Western mixed economy, and industry types and patterns were similar to Taiwan. Australia was a kind of country of knowledge─based economy, and it had good care and management of immigrants to absorb many talents, and promoted the country’s prosperity and national stability, and Taiwan had similar management philosophy of. Taiwan has similar population of 21011072 as Australian. Australia recently put forward the new serious of positive immigration policies and planning, and planed to improve the country’s economic and cultural patterns in transition, the country was worthy of attention.
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore:the concept and policy plan of the immigrants and their children in Australia, including counseling, job training and the social network, and those policies provided substantive proposals. The purpose of this study was to use literature analysis, collection of the relevant literature and the Australian Government Notice and declaration on the Internet, the main document on the new immigrants and their children in Australia with the idea of policy plan include:1.The current multi─cultural policies of Australia,(Current multicultural policy)(12 May 2003);2.Australia multicultural Commission(Council for Multicultural Australia, CMA)and the composition of the operations;3.The statement on race form the Parliament of Australia(Parliamentary statement on racial tolerance);4.Australia’s multicultural policy on History(A brief history of multicultural policies)(The Department of Immigration and Citizenship, Australia, 2007a).5.Australia today’s national immigration policy. Secondly, to explore case, counseling, job training, and the social network of Australia immigrants, and to understand the past and effectiveness profiles, as well as the 2007─2008 plan and 2008─2011 plan of DIAC.
