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篇名 國小實習教師之實習經驗與對師資培育課程之建議
卷期 18
並列篇名 A Study on Student Teachers’ Internship Experience and Suggestions to Teacher Education
作者 陳易芬
頁次 1-37
關鍵字 Teacher EducationStudent TeacherInternshipElementary School國小師資培育課程實習教師實習
出刊日期 200812


一、 對教職的體認,實習經驗讓實習教師了解教育工作必須投入許多心力及時間,心理壓力很大,卻也因此體悟到教育工作是一門良心事業,也要注意言行舉止是否合乎教師風範。此外,校園裡的人際互動也是實習教師的重要課題,尤其更應維持與輔導教師的良好溝通。
二、 因應與調適:初任教的實習教師對特殊兒童的期望水準不切實際,經輔導老師的指導後,調整心態與做法。實習教師承受著工作、教師甄試與時間等壓力,必須有效處理這些壓力源。工作上的問題找輔導教師、主任等反應,有效分配工作、唸書與休息時間。遇到挫折不順心的事,可改變自己的心態與想法,或建立情緒抒發管道。
三、 對師資培育課程的看法:有些實習教師認為理論課程較適合準備考試之用,而在國小實習的實習經驗才有助真實的教學活動;但有些實習教師則認為理論課程是教學實務的依據。
四、 對師資培育課程的建議:教學方式建議先接觸教學實務後,再以教育理論佐證,以深化學習。此外,除了講授法,案例教學或是影片觀賞等教學方式也是不的替代方案。課程方面,建議加長班級經營等實用課程的學分數,或是加開國小會使用到的教學知能,例如:書法、作文、台語與團康等,以及其他有助教學、人際與自我反省思考的課程。


The purpose of this study was to explore elementary student teacher’s experience and suggestions to teacher education. Based on the purpose, the qualitative method was used to collect the data. Five student teachers were interviewed.
The results of the study are as follows.
1. Owing to the internship, the student teachers realized the teaching job were not an easy job, required a lot of efforts and time, and they should behave like a teacher and keep good relationship with cooperating teachers.
2. The student teachers’ stress from job and national examination needed to be dealt with. Having time management skill, changing the beliefs, and having ways to catharsis emotions were good methods to coping and adaptation.
3. Part of student teachers perceived theoretical courses unhelpful to teaching but useful for national teacher exam. However, some of student teachers perceived theoretical courses were the base of practice.
4. The student teachers suggest teacher education start from practice to theory. Besides lecturing, case study and film discussion were alternative teaching methods. Some practical courses, such as calligraphy, composition, Taiwanese, group activity, and others should be added on.
