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篇名 Gadamer「遊戲」概念及其教育內涵
卷期 16
並列篇名 Gadamer’s “Play” Concept and Its Implications on Education
作者 游振鵬
頁次 99-119
出刊日期 200712


1. 就Gadamer的遊戲概念而言:根基開顯真理的美國遊戲觀,淵源於人文主義傳統及精神科學,Gadamer遊戲概念的重要內涵為藝術即遊戲、遊戲即往返律動、遊戲即自我呈現、藝術作品的詮釋即傳統與闡釋者相互遊戲、透過遊戲可呈現意義的整體、藝術欣賞具有同時性。
2. 就Gadamer遊戲概念的教育內涵而言:教育過程方面,教育即師生相互創生文化的過程,整體在教育的藝術遊戲中自我轉化,教育即超越與歸屬的動態歷程;教育內容的知識層面,課程知識係學科內容與師生相互遊戲而詮釋拓展,教育內容的美感層面,美育實踐在彰顯藝術或遊戲的特質;教育方法方面,教育即藝術理解辯證性給與取;教育學方法論方面,教育理論與教育實踐的關係則是教育實踐開展教育理論,再從教育實踐中不斷修正教育理論之辯證發展。


The purpose of the study is to analyze “play” concept in Gadamer’s Aesthetics and Its Implications on Education.
The results are concluded follows:
1. The themes of “play” concept in Gadamer’s Aesthetics are discussed in the following:(1)art as play, (2) play as to─and─fro movement and self─renewing, (3)play as self─representation, (4)play as playing and being─played in between tradition and interpreters, (5)the characteristics of transformation into structure and contemporaneousness in the works of art.
2. Based on Gadamer’s Aesthetics, implications on education and pedagogy are as follows:(1)education facilitating students self─transformation through playing in art, (2)education╱Bildung as dialectical transcendence and appropriation process, (3)the knowledge─content of education expanding within interplaying of teachers’ and students’ horizon, (4)aesthetic education practice illustrating the characteristics of art of play, (5)education as dialectical give and take process of interpreting of art, (6)educational theory and practice as “inter─becoming” and dialectic.

