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篇名 國小階段學生參與學校層級課程發展之省思
卷期 15
並列篇名 Reflection on Students’ Participation in School─Level Curriculum Development for the Elementary Period
作者 許朝信
頁次 15-33
關鍵字 student participationcurriculum developmentcurriculum學生參與課程發展課程
出刊日期 200606




For a long time, in curriculum research and actual instruction, teachers and students have been regarded as the most important part of school, the “common element” of curriculum. However, this important part has vanished for a long time as viewed from the demonstration of curriculum perspective. Under the present curriculum reform movement, it is unquestionable that teachers have the right and opportunity to take part in school curriculum development. So the focus of concern should be shifted to students. As a matter of fact, the concept of elementary and junior high school curriculum emphasizes living as the center and maintains that students’ physical and mental abilities should be considered in the process of curriculum development. As to student participation in curriculum development, many states of the United States have allowed students to take part in curriculum development, which is a certain fact. In Taiwan, in contrast, students are excluded from the curriculum development committee, because they are thought of as too young and immature in mental development. Also they are not invited to participate in writing school curriculum plan and to evaluate curriculum development. However, in terms of common elements of curriculum, such important elements as teachers, students, the content and the environment should be treated as equal but not of vertical relationships. This article explains the relevant concept about student participation in curriculum development, with the purpose to arouse educators’ emphasis on this issue so as to eliminate people’s stereotype about students participation in curriculum development, and more important, to urge schools to implement this concept.
