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篇名 平衡閱讀教學之行動研究
卷期 15
並列篇名 An Action Research of a Balanced Reading Instruction
作者 柳雅梅黃秀霜
頁次 161-178
關鍵字 whole languagephonicsbalanced reading instructionaction research行動研究全語言教學字母拼讀規則平衡閱讀教學
出刊日期 200606




The participants of this study were ten fifth graders at a rustic elementary school. The purposes of this action study were to explore the implementation of a balanced reading instruction and its teaching effects. The study lasted more than three months. The students had three periods of English classes each week. In the beginning and the ending of the semester, the students’ English abilities were tested. The researchers chose the storybooks according to the test results in the beginning of the semester. Then, some phonics rules were chosen from the contents of the storybooks. During the teaching process the students’ behaviors and reactions were observed and recorded. After teaching, the researchers made reflections, wrote teachers’ journals, and moderated the teaching contents. The data were gathered by observation records teachers’ journals, interviews and the students’ feedback worksheets. The results showed that a balanced reading instruction was helpful to enhance the students’ word recognition ability and the motivation of English reading. As fro the teaching, using powerpoints for the shared reading was very useful. However, in order to improve the teaching efficiency, more systematic phonics teaching rules were needed to help the teachers make teaching plans between the students and the contents.
