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篇名 職前教師培育課程中應用服務學習之設計與實施─師資生焦點團體的意見分析
卷期 14
並列篇名 The Design and the Implementation of the Service─Learning in Pre─service Teacher Education Program ─ An Analysis from Education Teachers by Focus Group Interviewing
作者 張民杰
頁次 93-107
關鍵字 education teacherpre─service teacher education programservice─learning師資生服務學習職前教師培育課程
出刊日期 200512




In recently, service─learning has received increased recognition as an important component in the preservice teacher education program. The purpose of this study is to understand the suggestions of the design and implementation of service learning from education teachers who have service─learning experiences:The method of this study is through focus group interviewing. The results of this study are including:
1. This study has identified at least four approaches to implementing service─learning in teacher education program in Taiwan:(1)as a separate service learning course at university level, (2)as a separate service learning course at department level,(3)as an extracurricular activity, 『4』as a strand within a course.
2. There are three types of service ─learning including direct service, indirect service, and advocacy activity. Education teachers have impressed experiences about the direct service. They also consider the indirect service is a possible way. But advocacy activity is not suited for education teachers.
3. Because the curriculum has already overcrowded in teacher education program, lessening the time requirements of service─learning is necessary which promotes education teachers to recognize the interesting and happiness during service.
4. To coordinate and communicate well among institution, primary and secondary school, and education teachers is very important. Al these stakeholders must play collaborative roles in all facets of service─learning.
5. Education teachers should select a service project and participate in their multiple and varied service─learning activities. Institutions should provide training, supervisors and coordinators as well as technical assistance and resources. Team work is a better way to implement service─learning.
6. Immediate feedback by web, student journals, portfolio, seminars, and rigid grading system are the impact factors for successful service─learning project.
