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篇名 國小英語教師教學思考歷程之研究
卷期 12
並列篇名 A case study of the process of thoughts on English teaching of an elementary teacher
作者 徐偉民
頁次 117-137
關鍵字 reflection on teachingthoughts on teachingEnglish teaching教學反省教學思考英語教學
出刊日期 200412


本研究採用觀察與訪談的方法,對一位國小英語老師進行為期三個月的教學觀察與訪談,從教學前的準備、教學中的行動,以及教學後的反省三個歷程去了解該位老師所做的教學思考與決策,企圖了解老師教學行為背後所隱含的思考歷程。結果發現:1. 教學前的準備:該位老師根據自己的教學理念與堅持,來思考與決定課堂的活動與進行的流程。2. 教學的行動:採用了活動式的教學方式,但是在熱鬧的教學活動下,卻隱含了自己的教學疑惑與困境。3. 教學後的反省:包括對自己的教學表現、活動設計、教學環境、角色定位、以及自己個性上的反省。反省的結果成為下次教學修正與調整的依據。本研究除了了解該位老師的教學思考與行動外,也提供了一個教學支持與對話的環境,使該位老師重拾對英語教學的熱情。


The purpose of this case study is to interpret a teacher’s thoughts on teaching, her reflection on preparation and performance as well as her decision-making in teaching English. An elementary school English teacher was asked to be observed and videotaped for three months. Stimulated recall interview was used as a method to collect data and understand her reflection in three phases of the process. The findings of this study are as follows:Teaching preparation: Based on her own beliefs and insistence about English teaching, the teacher considered and decided how activities were developed in the teaching process.Teaching performance: The teacher had dilemmas and confusions with adopting activity-oriented approach.Reflection on teaching: The teacher had a multiple-dimensioned reflection on her teaching, including teaching performance, activity designing, teaching environment, teacher’s role and her personality.The case study helps us interpret the relationship between the teacher’s thoughts on teaching and performance. It provides the English teacher with an environment of support and dialogues, letting her regain her passion for English teaching.
