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篇名 全球化知識經濟時代學校行政領導整合模式之建構
卷期 13
並列篇名 Constructing the Integrative Model of School Administration Leadership in Globalizational Knowledge Economy Era
作者 廖春文
頁次 1-15
關鍵字 Integrative ModelSchool Administration LeadershipKnowledge Economy EraGlobalization整合模式學校行政領導知識經濟時代全球化
出刊日期 200506




With the coming of globalization trends and knowledge economy ear, the world political, economic, technological, and cultural systems have changed rapidly, which not only impact he traditional thinking, but also influence fixed organizational operation and technique. Globalization wave is a trend of human society evolution. Although it is a controversial and complex issue, the development of information technology and Internet have spread around the world. The emergence of knowledge economy means the age of velocity revolution which emphasizes knowledge and innovation. In fact, the factors of globalization waves and knowledge economy trends are complicated. Any country of system cannot escape from these waves and trends. Education is a subsystem of social system and school organization is also part of the whole educational organization. As a school administration leader of new century, how to adjust and adapt changes in leadership thinking and practice is a very important mission. Therefore, in order to construct the integrative model of school administration leadership, this paper divided into three parts. First, to explain the emergence background of globalization knowledge economy ear. Second, to investigate the influence of knowledge economy ear on school administration leadership. Finally, to establish an integrative concepts model of school administrative leadership in globalization knowledge economy era.
