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篇名 組織變革浪潮中國民小學校長變革領導行為之研究 ─ 以中部四縣市為例
卷期 13
並列篇名 A Study of Principals’ Change Leadership Behavior in the Organization Change of Elementary Schools Selected from four Counties in Central Taiwan
作者 廖春文林淑貞
頁次 17-35
關鍵字 Change Leadership BehaviorChange LeadershipOrganizational ChangeElementary school Principal變革領導行為變革領導組織變革國民小學校長
出刊日期 200506


本研究在瞭解學校組織變革內涵及國民小學校長變革領導行為現況,並探討影響校長變革領導行為的因素。本研究係採用文獻分析、問卷調查法與訪談法,自行編製「國民小學校長變革領導行為之研究」調查問卷,以台中市、台中縣、彰化縣、南投縣600位國民小學教師為問卷研究樣本。統計方法採信度分析、百分比、平均數、標準差、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及Scheff’e法事後比較。訪談研究樣本為八位國民小學校長,採用半結構式訪談方式,將訪談資料加以紀錄、蒐集並分析。本研究所獲致之結論如下:一、 學校組織變革內涵包含:(1)學校組織結構變革;(2)教師具有良好的變革認知及行為表現;(3)教育改革迅速、政策不明、壓力及資源不足造成教師抗拒組織變革。二、 國民小學教師知覺校長變革領導行為現況良好。三、 國民小學教師對校長變革領導行為的知覺,受到教師的「性別」、「年齡」、「學歷」、「擔任職務」等背景變項之影響而有顯著差異,惟受「服務年資」影響不大。四、 國民小學教師對校長變革領導行為的知覺,受到「所屬縣市」、「學校規模」等學校背景變項之影響而有顯著差異。五、 國民小學校長能展現良好變革領導行為。六、 校長認為經費權和人事權不能自主是變革領導行為實務上的兩大阻力。七、 校長對不同個人背景變項的教師會表現不同的變革領導行為。八、 校長對不同學校背景變的教師會表現不同的變革領導行為。


The purpose of this study were to figure out the nature of school organization change and the practice of principals’ change leadership behavior. Meanwhile, analyze the reasons that affect principals’ change leadership behavior. Documentary investigation, questionnaire and interview were conducted in this study. “Questionnaire of principle’s change leadership behavior” was used to survey 600 elementary school teachers from Taichung City, Taichung County, Changhwa County and Nantou County. The statistical methods included reliability analysis, proportions, average, standard deviation, t─test, one─way ANOVA analysis of variance and scheffe. Subjects of interview research were eight principals, used semi─structural interview. Analysis of the interview data involved recording, transcription, coding, categorization and synthesis.The following were the primary conclusions for the research:1. The nature of school organization change included:(1)Structure change at school organization.(2)A good recognition of school change and behavioral performances.(3)The reasons of rapid educational change, policy ambiguity, pressure and lack of educational resources brought the teachers’ resistance to organization change.2. The perceptions of teachers on principals’ change leadership behavior were good.3. The teachers’ perceptions of principal’s change leadership significantly influenced by the variables of gender, age, educational degree and present job position except year of service.4. The teachers’ perceptions of principals’ change leadership significantly influenced by the variable of city and size.5. The principals’ change leadership behavior was good.6. The two obstacles of change leadership that principals confronted were rights of budget and personnel.7. The principals perform different change leadership behavior because of teachers’ different personal background variables.8. The principals perform different change leadership behavior because of different schools’ background variables.
