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篇名 超越轉型領導:國民中小學校長新轉型領導影響教師組織承諾之研究
卷期 13
並列篇名 Beyond Transformational Leadership:The Study of the Impact of Principals’ New Transformational Leadership on Teachers’ Organizational Commitment in Elementary Schools and Junior High Schools
作者 蔡進雄
頁次 37-63
關鍵字 organizational commitmentnew transformational leadershiptransformational leadership組織承諾新轉型領導轉型領導
出刊日期 200506


轉型領導(Transformational leadership)是當前最受矚目的領導研究,近年來不論管理學或是教育行政學對於轉型領導理論均有為數可觀的研究論述,雖然有眾多的研究證實轉型領導是有效的領導風格,而轉型領導也確有迷人之處,但這不表示轉型領導是促使組織變革提升組織績效之萬靈丹,轉型領導仍然有一些侷限,並非完美無缺,例如轉型領導傾向英雄式領導,轉型領導過度誇大領導者的功能,轉型領導忽略團隊聿建立的重要性,轉型領導使成員被動等,基於此,本研究建構新轉型領導(new transformational leadership)構面以彌補轉型領導的不足,建構出的新轉型領導理論構面包括:共創願景、激發潛能及建立團隊。為驗證新轉型領導的領導果,本研究以教師組織承諾為依變項,研究兩者的相關情形,結果發現國民小學校長新轉型領導與教師組織承諾具有顯著的正相關,且具有預測力。依據研究結果,本研究提出七點建議以供未來繼續研究的參考。


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between principals’ new transformational leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment in elementary schools and junior high schools.This study employed literature review and questionnaire surveys. Data were collected from the teachers with questionnaire surveys. The sample consisted of 1455 elementary school teachers and junior high school teachers. The total usable number of questionnaires returned was 875, a returned rate of 61.65%. Data were analyzed using t─test, Pearson’s product─moment correlation, and so on. The major findings were:1. There were significant relationships between principals’ new transformational leadership and teachers’ organizational commitment.2. New transformational leadership was significant predictors of organizational commitment.According to the results of this study, the researcher tried to make some suggestions for school principals and the future study.
