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篇名 學校層級課程管理成效之研究 ─ 以一所國小為例
卷期 13
並列篇名 Study on Effects of Curriculum Governance at School Level ─ Example of an Elementary School
作者 許朝信
頁次 65-85
關鍵字 effects of curriculum governancecurriculum governanceGrade 1-9 curriculum課程管理課程管理成效九年一貫課程
出刊日期 200506


以往我國在「國定課程」發展的進路下,諸如課程政策、課程內容、課程實施及課程評鑑等之制訂與實施均由教育部所掌控,學校課程自主化的空間相當有限,這亦形成課程管理工作完全是中央政府職責的假象。近年來課程發展已由中央授權逐漸向地方分權邁進,課程管理工作不再只是中央政府的責任,地方縣市教育局及學校也應負起課程管理的責任。尤其課程管理在國內課程研究領域,仍屬新興議題階段,相關文獻與研究並不多,實有充實之必要。本研究為深入了解學校層級的課程管理現況,乃採質性的研究方法選定一所學校,透過對主任、教師的訪談與學校相關文件的分析。除了了解學校層級課程管理現況 、課程管理策略、課程管理成效、教師對學校層級課程管理期望外,並對研究結果提出一些建議,以做為課程改革、課程發展及九年一貫課程推動之參考。


In the past, the formulation and implementation of school curriculum, such as curriculum policies, curriculum contents, curriculum implementation and curriculum evaluation, were all controlled by Ministry of Education under the “national curriculum “ development approach. There was only limited room for liberalization of school curriculum. As a result, it gave people a false impression that the work of curriculum governance was completely the responsibility of the central government. In recent years, curriculum development has undergone a gradual transformation from centralization to decentralization. Curriculum governance is no longer the sole responsibility of the central government, and the local bureaus of education in counties and cities also share the responsibility of curriculum governance. Especially, curriculum governance is still a new issue in the filed of Taiwan’s curriculum study and lacks of sufficient relevant literature and studies. So it is necessary to enhance further studies. To have a deeper understanding of the current situation of curriculum governance at school level, this study chose an elementary school to do the qualitative study through interview of teachers and analysis of documents relating to the school. Apart form the understanding of the current situation of the school’s curriculum governance, curriculum governance policies, effects of curriculum governance, and teachers’ expectations toward the curriculum governance at school level, this study also provides some suggestions according to the study results as a reference for curriculum reforms, curriculum development and promotion of Grade 1─9 curriculum.
