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篇名 衡定張載思想之「氣」概念──兼論張橫渠之「氣」與亞里斯多德之「物質因」的比較
卷期 37:1=428
並列篇名 To Conclude the Conception of “Qi” in Chuang Tzu’s Philosophy
作者 吳懷晨
頁次 141-166
關鍵字 張載物質因亞里斯多德存有論形上學宋明理學正蒙Chuang TzuCausa MaterialisAristotleOntologyMetaphysicsQiNeo-ConfucianismA&HCI
出刊日期 201001




The explanations of Chuang Tzu’s philosophy are always divergent. Chuang Tzu can be viewed as a Neo-Confucianist, an idealist, but also as a materialist. In this paper, we try to argue that the controversy over Chuang Tzu’s thought is due to the varied understandings of his conception of Qi. Therefore, in this paper, we try hard to illustrate the following points: 1.To formularize different explanations about Chuang Tzu’s concept of Qi and their hermeneutic basis. 2. To clarify that Qi is not the Western material. 3. To compare Chuang Tzu’s Qi and Aristotle’s causa materialis, and to show the dissimilarities of these two concepts. In conclusion, we can make some contributions. 1. To ascertain that Chuang Tzu’s thought is not like the Western materialism. 2. To confirm the specific meaning of Chinese Qi. As a result, the academia might rethink the proper position of Chuang Tzu’s Qi philosophy in Neo-Confucianism.
