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篇名 澎湖文石書院的始末及其基本精神
卷期 7、7
並列篇名 History and Meaning of the Wen-Shi Academy
作者 劉振維
頁次 71-98
關鍵字 澎湖文石書院學規胡建偉林豪PenghuWenshi academyStudy regulationsHu JianweiLin Hao
出刊日期 200912


文石書院,為有清澎湖惟一的一座書院,由通判胡建偉創建於乾 隆三十一年(1766),取當地文石五色紛綸,應天之五緯、應地之五行, 而應人則是五常而施五教為意,旨在興文教之風尚以砥礪人格。至乙 未變局(1895),文石書院歷時130 年,為澎湖一地之教育起了甚大的 作用。書院祭祀宋代周、程、朱、張五子,且由胡建偉並頒〈學約十 條〉、山長林豪〈續擬學約八條〉內容觀之,書院教育精神及其宗旨 大體上是以理學為標宗的。本文旨在探討文石書院創建始末,並析論 兩則學規的儒學精神,以及闡揚澎湖一地鄉先輩的具體風範。全文內 容有三:一明悉文石書院始末及其制度,二從文石書院學規討論其所 承載的基本精神為何,三就鄉先輩行誼及林豪〈續擬學約八條〉論文 石書院所發揚的基本精神。最後作一結論。


The Wenshi academy in Penghu is the only one of its sort that dates back to the late Qing period. It was founded by Hu Jianwei, built in 1776 and derives its name from the colorful stones on the island. The five different colors of the stones correspond to the five threads of heaven, the five forces of earth and the five constants of the human realm. The academy existed for a hundred thirty years and had a great influence on Penghu island. Correspondingly, five teachings are taught in the academy with their focus on education and moral transformation. Five eminent Song time scholars form the basis of the teaching, the contents of which can still be seen in “the Ten Teaching Principles”by Hu Jianwei and the “Eight Added Teaching Principles”by Lin Hao. This paper will analyze the Confucian spirit of these documents to illustrate the ideals of these scholars in Penghu. The essay consists of three parts: In the first part the historical back ground and the regulations of the academy will be elucidated. In the second part the rules for study will be analyzed, in the third part the two documents on the principles of teaching will be analyzed and their educational ideals explained. Finally, there will be a conclusion.
