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篇名 員工積極上行溝通與個人-工作契合度之關係-以主管-部屬交換關係為干擾變數
卷期 17
並列篇名 A Study of Relationship between Personal Strategies and Person-Job Fit-Using Leader-Member Exchange as Moderator
作者 毛筱豔簡元瑜
頁次 63-72
關鍵字 主管部屬交換關係個人工作契合度員工積極上行溝通leader-member exchangeperson-job fitpersonal strategies
出刊日期 201001


本研究之主旨為探討員工積極上行溝通與部屬的「個人-工作」契合度之關係,並以主管-部屬交換關係為干擾變數,前人研究指出員工的上行溝通與「個人-工作」契合度有不一致的關係,由過去相關文獻亦無法獲得解答, 「個人-工作」契合度並不是恆久不變的,員工可以透過其他的方式來改變契合度的高低,經由過去的理論文獻與邏輯推論,主管-部屬交換關係可能會對員工積極上行溝通對其「個人-工作」契合度產生干擾影響,本研究以問卷方式蒐集資料,針對各產業員工發出問卷。本研究結果顯示員工積極上行溝通對其「個人-工作」契合度有正向之關係,而主管-部屬交換關係會有干擾效果。最後,依據實證結果提出實務建議與未來研究之建議。


The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between personal strategies and person-job fit, leader-member exchange. Previous studies state that there may be an inconsistent relationship between personal strategies and person-job fit. By reasoning, leader-member exchange may have some effect of the relationship between personal
strategies and person-job fit. Data for this study were obtained by means of questionnaires from any industrial employees. The empirical data stated that personal strategies is positively associated with personal-job fit and leader-member exchange has the moderating effect on them. Practical suggestions and future suggestions are also provided.
