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篇名 明代提學官制與孫應黨〈教秦緒言〉教育訓詞探析
卷期 9
並列篇名 Investigation and Analysis for The Minister of Education of Ming Dynasty and a Speech of Admonition,Advice to All Teachers and Students by Sun Ying-Ao
作者 黃文樹
頁次 149-192
關鍵字 提學官士風教育<教秦緒言〉孫應贅Minister of EducationEducationmood of studyingAdvice to All Teachers and StudentsSun Ying-Ao
出刊日期 200912




The Minister of Education of Ming Dynasty had a great responsibility of managing the education of the country﹒In the 40 year of Jiajing Regime (1561),not long after the Minister of Education of Shanxi Province, Sun Ying-Ao took office, he wanted to promote the mood of studying among all teachers and students. Then he wrote an essay, '‘Adviceto All Teachers and Students,\" proposing to them 16 items. Actually, the contents of the essay can be summarized into 10 points: (一).Elucidatingthe education objectives of smcen妙, honesty and morality; (二)Highlighting the internal power of making resolutions detenninedly; (三)Suggesting the super-wide generosity-oriented value; (四)Emphasizing the moral homework of real learning and real practicing; (五)Advocating the learning attitude of hardworking and no speedy learning; (六)Stressing the curricular training of broad-viewed and solid practices; (七)Instructing the strategies of taking respectful attitude towards open examination; (八)Establishing studying societies for meeting the friends having the same interest of studying; (九)Paying concern for correct parental education as soon as possible; and (十)Declaring the principles and ideals of seict teaching and respects for teachers. In fact, all these viewpoints are quite contemporary, practical and modem. Even though the essay of advice has some flaws, it is really an immortal educating admonition with multiple levels of value.
